Body Contouring

Body Contouring with Maximus Tri-Lipo Radio Frequency

Achieve your body goals at Lily’s Holistic Aesthetics & Beauty. Reduce those stubborn fat deposits; improve the appearance of cellulite, define the contours of your silhouette with Maximus Tri-Lipo Technology.

Maximus Tri-Lipo is a non -invasive and FDA approved device that uniquely combines two technologies: Tri-Lipo Radio Frequency (RF) and Tri-Lipo Dynamic Muscle Activation (DMA) working synergistically to deliver:

  • Skin tightening
  • Reduction of body circumferences
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Lymphatic drainage and toxins elimination
  • Collagen and elastin stimulation
  • Enhanced blood circulation and oxygenation

How does Maximus Tri-Lipo work?

  • Tri-Lipo Radio Frequency (RF) heats up fat cells, which liquefies the fat within them, thus reducing their size.
  • The simultaneous use of the Tri-Lipo Dynamic Muscle Activation (DMA) pushes the liquefied fat into the Lymphatic System and stimulates lymphatic drainage for further elimination of the liquefied fat through the body’s own elimination system (urine).
  • Furthermore, Tri-Lipo Radio Frequency heats up the Dermis, which stimulates the production of new Collagen and Elastin fibres, which will result in the improvement of skin texture and density.

TriLipo® with Pollogen MAXIMUS™

The outstanding results of Maximus Tri-Lipo are scientifically proven, as shown in the following medical researches:

Stubborn fat deposits, saggy skin and cellulite can be treated with Maximus Tri-Lipo in a wide range of different body areas. including the double chin, batwings, abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs and calves.

A course of weekly sessions is recommended to achieve optimal and long lasting results, the number of sessions will depend on each of the individual circumstances but it can range from 4 to 10 sessions.

The results of Maximus Tri-Lipo are significantly improved when the regular sessions are complemented with a good diet (high protein, low sugar, low in highly processed foods) and regular resistance training.

Book your free consultation with Lily, rest assured that with her knowledge, experience and personal approach she will tailor a program that suits your lifestyle and help you achieve your body goals.

Amazing Reduction on Body Circumference with Maximus Tri-LIpo

Prices per body contouring session

At Lily’s Holistic Aesthetics & Beauty we can treat unwanted fat deposits, cellulite and saggy skin in almost any area of the body. The following table shows prices per session per area of the body to treat:

  • Abdomen and Sides €150
  • Tights front or back €120
  • Buttocks €120
  • Lower back (love handles) €100
  • Back of thighs and buttocks €200
  • Calves €80
  • Arms (bat wings) €100

* Save up to 25% when booking a package of multiple sessions